Rules of Engagement
I've worked as a contracts manager and clear expectations about business relationships from the beginning prevent confusion later. Stating expectations early can also save you a lot of time as you try to work out if I'm
Here are my Rules of Engagement for any editing work we agree to:
Confidentiality: I agree to keep your work and our discussions confidential, and to respect your intellectual property at all times.
Rights and royalties: At all times, you retain all rights to your work, and to any royalties or other revenue from its publication and sale.
Payment: Fees are in Australian Dollars (AUD). I accept payment via Paypal.
No Guarantees: I agree to provide my best professional advice with respect to the structure of your story. However, I make no guarantees as to the saleability or marketability of your work. I promise to do my best for you, but cannot promise to make your book a bestseller.
Scope of Services: I will deliver everything outlined in the proposal. I’m happy to provide additional services or adaptations to the time frame, based on mutual agreement or additional charges when applicable.
Doing the Work: It’s your book and you have to do the work. I’m here to help and want you to succeed, but I can’t do the work for you. If you’re struggling with any part of the process, let me know and I may be able to offer advice. More than half of the writing game is mental, and Resistance (your inner critic) will look for any opening to derail you. Know that going in, and understand that focusing on specific writing tasks is the best antidote.
Payment is Required Upfront: I require payment upfront for your benefit and mine. One of the biggest challenges writers face is Resistance; our paradigm makes it difficult for us to get down to work and as a result, projects can drag on for years. If you’re prepared to pay in advance, you’re ready to work. Believe it or not, one of the biggest challenges editors face is getting paid for services rendered. As a fellow author, I want to help you write the best book you possibly can but I also need to earn a living. If my invoices go unpaid, I’ll be out of business.
Fees are Non-Refundable: When you pay for a service, I allow time in my schedule for you (even before you’ve chosen your appointment time(s)) and I may refuse other work so I can accommodate you. Because of this, the fees for the Diagnostic and the Story Grid to Done editing services are non-refundable, whether or not you use all your available appointments. (If you should choose to discontinue the Story Grid to Done program, you may cancel with two weeks' notice.)
Appointment Booking: Please ensure that the time you book in my calendar works for you. For Story Grid to Done clients, we will meet at the same time each week. If you have any questions about appointment bookings or times, please contact me at melaniehillediting@gmail.com
Appointment Cancellations: I respect your time and hope you’ll respect mine. Story Grid to Done clients can reschedule two appointments with 24 hours’ notice. If, at the time of booking, you know you will not be able to make a particular appointment(s) (for example, if you’ll be on vacation), let me know and we’ll adjust the schedule accordingly. Story Grid Diagnostic clients can reschedule their one-hour consultation call once only, and that will be with 24 hours’ notice. Please make every effort to ensure the time you schedule will work for you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at melaniehillediting@gmail.com